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Normal Topic RAF Staxton Wold (Read 11,543 times)

RAF Staxton Wold
12.07.2011 at 19:46:09
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I'm currently serving at Staxton Wold and have been tasked with researching the units history, however its not been as easy as I'd thought so far. Does anyone have any personal memories, or photos etc. In particular does anyone remember why and when various drawdowns occurred. On the boards it shows a Wg Cdr handing over to a Sqn Ldr in Jul 90, and Sqn Ldr to Flt Lt in Mar 00. In 1974 it states 'autonomy achieved'. Does anyone know what that refers to? Any bit of info would be a great help.
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Jan Cobb
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Re: RAF Staxton Wold
Reply #1 - 12.07.2011 at 21:17:46
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Any bit of info would be a great help

I have written to Greg separately, but I have to say that I am surprised that there is nothing left, either at Staxton Wold or - perhaps - Fylingdales, that refers to the various events for which Greg is seeking info!
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Tony Pleasant
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Re: RAF Staxton Wold
Reply #2 - 13.07.2011 at 09:30:58
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I suggest all Greg needs to do is get access to the F540s for Staxton Wold for the relevent periods.  Also Air Historical Branch, London were a great help to me when I was writing the history of the School of Fighter Control.  Good luck Greg
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Brian Reynard

Re: RAF Staxton Wold
Reply #3 - 13.07.2011 at 17:24:17
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mid 1970s, Staxton was manned by Fighter Controllers and Operators from RAF Boulmer.   Both Controllers and Operators were detached from Boulmer for 2 weeks at a time and they lived at what was then RAF Leconfield.  CO of Staxton was a Wing Cdr Engineer.   I was  a SNCO (Q-DO-IC) on a permanent detachment there from late 74 until 1975; at this time Staxton was established with permanent operational staff, my tdy converted to a posting.   Permanent staff for ops was 1 Sqn Ldr (Taff Jenkins, 2 Officer Controllers (Flt Cliff Horobin and ????) plus myself, 1 Sgt ADO, 3 Cpl's and about 8 airmen.   Main ops task was with Lightnings from Binbrook on low level PIs.
Trappers visited 1975 or 1976 so there should be a copy of their report somewhere in the archives.
Happy days.
Brian Reynard

PS  The FCA will more than likely have members who took part in the 2 week detachments from Boulmer (1974/75)
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Brian Reynard

Re: RAF Staxton Wold
Reply #4 - 13.07.2011 at 17:33:34
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further to my previous, the reference to autonomy may well be aligned to the closure of Patrington.   Staxton was a satellite station coming under the command of Patrington during the early 1970s.
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Jan Cobb
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Re: RAF Staxton Wold
Reply #5 - 13.07.2011 at 19:23:43
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Just found this link for the Driffield site, which might be of interest. There's also this, this, this and this (some of the photos are not for the squeamish!). There is also the info on the Subbrit site here!
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Richard Jenner
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Re: RAF Staxton Wold
Reply #6 - 14.07.2011 at 18:51:06
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My first visit to Staxton Wold was in 1972 at a Plt Off when I was sent there from Patrington to do some controlling to prove that everything worked - it did. At the time it was a sub station to Patrington and the 'autonomy' in 1974 would coincide with the closure of Patrington. I'm fairly sure there were a few assistants/ADOs on the permanent staff but it was - and remained for many years - very engineer heavy.

My next visit was for 3 years in 1984 as a Sqn Ldr and as 'Sqn Ldr Ops' although in reality the post was OC Ops. The Wendy Cabin had not changed and I felt life was going backwards...I'd just had a brief stint at Neatishead following 3 years at Nieuw Milligen..on each posting all the kit got older! So it was back to low level Lightning 90s using even older consoles....the best of controlling and even as the 'boss' I could normally manage 40 PIs a week plus loads of FA time. At that time the unit was 'autonomous' but operationally I answered to OC Ops at Boulmer.

Driffield was used for accommodation (no single officer accommodation though so there were quite a few on lodging allowance). At that time the base belonged to the Army and was used by the driving school at Leconfield for cross-country driving. Don't be too put off by the photos of the old Officer's Mess (Jan's post). It was bombed during WW2 and never fully reinstated....for several years it was used by various heavily armed chaps to practise taking buildings with hostages (take a guess). This added internally to what the Luftwaffe had started.

Towards the end of my time the first 'digital' radar arrived - a T90. There was no space for it at Staxton so it was sent to Driffield while the UKADGE RP was built at Staxton. This led to the outcome that the really good radar site got the RP building while the much better admin site got the radar - a totally stupid outcome.

A great tour though with lots of good memories.

Richard Jenner
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Andy Bentley

Re: RAF Staxton Wold
Reply #7 - 10.08.2011 at 05:06:14
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When Patrington closed in 74 I was posted to Neatishead and then sent to Staxton Wold on detachment for a Month. We were there doing the height trials and as has been previously mentioned accomodation was at Leconfield.
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