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Normal Topic Jokes (Read 3,949 times)
Peter D Cross

13.10.2009 at 11:47:26
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Recently in Cardiff a large family suffered the loss of an Uncle in a car accident.  He was taken to the local hospital but found to be cold as mutton - I mean dead - on entry.  A Post-mortem was carried out and the body returned to the family.  A few days later the internment took place, followed by days of mourning and questions like "who was he?" until life returned to normal.  Some months later a letter from the hospital arrived explaining that the Uncle's brain had been removed during the autopsy and given to research, thanking the family for the donation.  There was uproar in the family as consent had never been given. Law suits were threatened but the hospital soon returned the brain (which MAY have been the right one).  The family were content - it was, after all, the only brain in the family!
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Peter D Cross

Re: Jokes
Reply #1 - 24.03.2010 at 17:03:59
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A certain Station Commander at an ADRS in Northumberland prided himself on his monthly "evening suppers" to which young junior officers were invited, with no option to refuse.  Part of the ritual of the evening was to sample the Stn Cdr's home-made wine.  On this occasion, a thoroughly cheesed-off Flying Officer was attending for the 4th time in 6  months.  The wine was duly served and all attending tried not to show what they really thought of the "plonk".  The Flg Off. had different thoughts.  " Mmmm - unusual fragrance for such a young wine, Sir, where did you make it?", said he to the Stn Cdr.  Delighted that someone had taken an interest, the Stn Cdr replied " In the kitchen, as a matter of fact".  "Oh really" responded the Flg Off, "it doesn't travel very well, does it".......
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