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Normal Topic Remembrance Commemorations 2020 - BBC1 7th November at 9 p.m. (Read 1,817 times)
Jan Cobb
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Hon. Secretary & Web Manager

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Location: Ipswich, Suffolk
Remembrance Commemorations 2020 - BBC1 7th November at 9 p.m.
02.11.2020 at 09:54:17
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This year's Remembrance commemorations will be severely curtailed by Covid 19 but there is one bright spot.

One of our Dowding System and Battle of Britain veterans will be appearing on the BBC programme commemorating Remembrance this year.

Gladys Eva is one of our 'poster girls’ and has been very active in attending and representing the Association at National celebrations and has attended all the most important high profile Association events over the past years.

The programme will air Saturday 7th November on BBC One at 9pm.

It is generally unwise to discuss a lady's age but I am sure that Gladys will not mind us mentioning that she will reach her century on the 6th December this year.  Another reason to celebrate.
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