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Normal Topic Can anyone help the ADRM out? (Read 16,656 times)
Nick Loveday
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Can anyone help the ADRM out?
19.12.2013 at 21:26:13
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The RAF Air Defence Radar Museum is just trying to track down dates and wondered if anyone knew when the S259 (Type 95) Radars were finally withdrawn from the Falklands? They have photos of the Closing Down Sale (Everything Must Go) on Canopus Hill. Was that the last Type 95 to go and, if so when? And did the AR3D replace them or was it some other system? If anyone can help with the Radar history of the Falklands, please drop an e-mail to Chris Morshed:  Thanks
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Richard Jenner
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Re: Can anyone help the ADRM out?
Reply #1 - 23.12.2013 at 16:14:14
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As I recall it one T95 was held as a theatre reserve radar after the AR3Ds (T94?) were installed at Byron & Alice. It was certainly still there in 1985 as I recall the antenna falling off while it was at Byron (I think) - a combination of ice & wind. We used a theatre exercise to redeploy it to Kelly's Garden (then a helicopter base on East Falkland) where the conditions were slightly less hostile.

After Mount Pleasant became operational a T95 (not sure whether it was the same one) was established as a reporting post at Mount Pleasant and was certainly operational when I was OC FIADGE in 1990.

Richard Jenner
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Dave Lowry
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Re: Can anyone help the ADRM out?
Reply #2 - 24.12.2013 at 11:36:15
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I took the Marconi S600 in the RFA Sir Geraint in 1982 and we set it up on Canopus Hill. One S259 was there with us and the other was at Ajax Bay. When I left in early 83 both were still operational. I know that doesn't help answer the question but it might help fill a gap in the history.

There was also an American Radar, GEC I think, on the site which had been the Argentinian's cover for the Stanley area. One of it's generators had been hit by, I presume, a Harrier 30mm cannon shell. There was a neat round hole surrounded by striations spreading out radially for about a foot. I presume these were from the casing of the shell spreading out as it exploded. Much of the rest of the generator was untouched. I wish I had taken a photo.

Dave Lowry
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Richard Jenner
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Re: Can anyone help the ADRM out?
Reply #3 - 24.12.2013 at 12:19:23
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Referring to Dave's message above, the S600 ended-up at Mt Kent of course while the captured radar (TPS43) became the mainstay of 1ACC.

I was OC FIADGE from May - November 1990 and as far as I can recall the one S259/Type 95 in-theatre was at Mount Pleasant and was referred to as 'PPQ' - Pleasant Peak Quarry. The story was that PPQ was set-up after a visit by Margret Thatcher to close a small perceived gap in low level cover - I did my best to close it down but no one was prepared to argue the case in Whitehall.

So the questions are 'when did PPQ close?' and 'what then happened to the T95?'

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Mike Good
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Re: Can anyone help the ADRM out?
Reply #4 - 01.01.2014 at 16:40:59
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The T95 was still at PPQ during my time as OC FIADGE - May to Nov 1992. 
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Chris Morshead
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Re: Can anyone help the ADRM out?
Reply #5 - 13.01.2014 at 13:51:25
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Thanks to all for the information coming in.  We are starting to piece together the story.  There were two Type 95's down South and they moved around quite a bit.  We have photos of 95's at various locations including one of the pair of them on Byron Heights.  We will try and work out when moves took place - a bit of a jigsaw - and end up with a "best fit" timeline!  Anyway, the above is much appreciated!  Rgds, Chris
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Paul Atkinson
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Re: Can anyone help the ADRM out?
Reply #6 - 20.05.2014 at 20:57:11
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Hope all is well at the ADRM.  Further to Mike's post, I recall that the T95 was at PPQ in February (ish) 1993.  I was SOpsO at 303 SU Mt Kent at the time and PPQ came under us.  The PPQ detachment was commanded by the then Flt Lt (now Wg Cdr) Carl Coleman, who might be able to add more info (are you there Carl?)  I remember that we had to control on it from time to time and pretty ropey it was too (the radar, not my control technique..), with zero coverage to the north due to the topography (ie being in a quarry!)
Hope this adds a bit more
Regards, Paul
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Dave Todd
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Re: Can anyone help the ADRM out?
Reply #7 - 21.05.2014 at 21:47:01
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I took over from Richard as OC FIADGE in Nov 90.  However, prior to that I was AD C2 Ops at STC and defacto STC FIADGE sponsor. The PPQ det was established because CDS had told MT at one of his monthly briefs that we had a low level radar gap from MP south over and beyond Mare Harbour.  When his next brief was imminent (1 week!!) he said he was not prepared to tell MT that we still had the gap.  Between GE3 (Dave Ackroyd), me and the gingerbeers we set up PPQ in 48 hours, not physically you understand, but one of the radars was put in place very quickly.  During my tenure as OC FIADGE the T95 at PPQ was replaced with a refurbished radar from the UK I can't recall the date but it must have been in the Feb to May 91 timeframe.  I do remember it being lifted across the airfield at MPA from the apron to PPQ underslung from an Eric - in high winds - we thought we were going to lose it, the whole lot started to pendulum and rolling goats were mentioned.  I can only think we used an Eric for speed, the radar had just been flown in and PPQ was u/s.  This meant that the guard ship had to cover for  PPQ! Mick de Polo was OC PPQ at the time.
Ant more I can help with?

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Dave Todd
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Re: Can anyone help the ADRM out?
Reply #8 - 21.05.2014 at 21:53:44
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Further to my last, the saga of the T95 inflatable radome (s) for PPQ is worth investigating.  Monty Python could not have dreamed up a better story, or invented more disparaging names.

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