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Normal Topic Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition (Read 13,713 times)
Alec Trevett
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Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
09.10.2007 at 09:06:19
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Subject: Fw: Support the Red Arrows if you feel able. (Petition Only)

What is the country coming too?.................

Hi all

You might wish to sign up to this one

The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the 2012
London Olympics because they are deemed "too British".

Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might be
"offensive" to other countries taking part in the Games. The display team
have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of
Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display team "too militaristically
British". Red Arrows pilots were said to be "outraged", as they had hoped to
put on a truly world class display for the Games, something which had never
been seen before. Being axed from a British-based event for being "too
British" is an insult - the Arrows are a symbol of Britain .

The Red Arrows have been excellent ambassadors for British overseas trade,
as they display their British-built Hawk aircraft all over the world.

The Arrows performed a short flypast in 2005 when the winning bid was
announced, but their flypast at the Games was to have been truly

It is to be hoped that common sense prevails.

If you disagree with this decision, sign the petition on the link right here

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Dave Lowry
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #1 - 10.10.2007 at 09:01:20
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This news left me speechless so I looked up my Thesaurus for all the adjectives meaning 'STUPID'. They all seem to apply to both this decision and the decision makers.

I have signed the petition.

Dave Lowry


I am not entirely surprised !!!
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Richard Jenner
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #2 - 10.10.2007 at 17:31:53
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Thanks for the link - I've also signed the petition.....maybe it's a good thing BBMF don't want to be there!

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Jan Cobb
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #3 - 10.10.2007 at 23:20:21
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Dear All

Alec also pointed out to me the response from the PM's office that has been placed on the petition web page (dated 27 September 2007):

The e-petition asking the Prime Minister to "to Allow the Red Arrows to Fly at the 2012 Olympics" is ongoing. This is a response in advance of the closing date from the Government

This allegation is not true. The Government has not banned the Red Arrows from the London 2012 Olympic Games. The organising committee of London 2012 will decide what to include in the Opening Ceremony and other celebrations - but with almost five years to go, decisions are yet to be made on what these will look like.

And of course the Red Arrows played a memorable role in the celebrations for 2012, when they flew over Trafalgar Square to mark London winning the Games

So, what are we to believe? Does Gordon really know what's going on in one of his departments? does he care?

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Forum Member

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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #4 - 11.10.2007 at 21:17:12
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Err, No and No!
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Alan Callow

Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #5 - 20.11.2007 at 22:04:36
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Gents be careful - not everything you receive by email is true; these sort of emails are very common and are simply used to harvest  active email addresses - Opsec applies even in civvy street gents (and ladies)
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Mike Good
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #6 - 22.11.2007 at 10:03:35
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No worries Al.  If you give your electronic details to any Government department, they'll lose them anyway!
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Al Callow
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #7 - 22.11.2007 at 20:31:55
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True enough, thankfully I only gave them the wife's bank account details; mine are safe enough Grin
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Tommy Thompson
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #8 - 28.11.2007 at 16:59:27
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I have tried to sign the petition re Red Arrows but though a British Citizen living  overseas, Sweden, it appears that I cannot 'sign-in'.  :(
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Mike Clarke
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #9 - 28.11.2007 at 23:17:11
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Shouldn't worry Tommy; they don't take any notice of it anyway!
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Jan Cobb
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #10 - 18.09.2008 at 22:58:52
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Like many - I imagine - I received an email from the petition web site this evening, giving me a link to the response from the Government; it is The text of the response is:
We’re glad to tell you there is absolutely no truth - and never has been - in the idea that the Government has banned the Red Arrows from the London 2012 Olympic Games.

The Prime Minister was delighted to see the role the Red Arrows played in the celebrations on the Mall after the Beijing Games, and they have always played a significant part in great festivals of celebration in Britain in recent years. Indeed, the Red Arrows played a memorable role when they flew over Trafalgar Square in 2005 to mark London winning the Games.

Decisions on the nature of the Olympic opening ceremony are a matter for the 2012 organising committee, and with four years to go, they have not made their decisions yet. However, the Prime Minister has made clear he would be delighted to see the Red Arrows perform in the celebrations in 2012.

We asked Tessa Jowell, the Olympics Minister, to pass on her comments as well:

She said:

“I am delighted that so many people have shown how important the Red Arrows are to them by signing this petition. To their millions of fans, the Red Arrows demonstrate all the best elements of being British of which we are so rightly proud. As we have made clear on many occasions, it is just not true that the Government has in some way banned the Red Arrows from being involved in 2012. Nothing, in fact, could be further from the truth.

The Red Arrows flew over London the day we won the Games in 2005 - and they took to the skies again in August, on another special day for London 2012, as we marked the end of the Beijing Olympics and the start of the run-up to our Games. I know Gordon was as delighted as I was that the Red Arrows were able to play such a prominent role, a fitting end to an Olympics that had been such a triumph for Great Britain. While it is up to the 2012 Organising Committee to decide what form the ceremonies in 2012 should take and who should participate, I am very clear in my own mind that the Red Arrows should be part of London’s welcome to the world in four years time. And I know Seb Coe shares my view.”

It all sounds very political to me and, if it doesn't happen, it'll be someone else's fault and certainly nothing to do with Gordon or Tessa.  Angry

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Mike Clarke
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #11 - 19.09.2008 at 09:11:36
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I received the e-mail too, and I don't believe a word they say, either.


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Nick Loveday
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #12 - 24.09.2008 at 20:04:01
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Mmmm it may sound political but it is the truth - to date, no decision has been made about the RAF contribution to the 2012 Olympics but I can confirm that there is no truth in the rumour that the Reds have been banned from participating  Smiley
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Mike Clarke
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Re: Red Arrows & The Olympics - Petition
Reply #13 - 24.09.2008 at 20:56:02
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Hardly surprising, Nick. This government doesn't know what it is going to do tomorrow, let alone in 2012; not that they will be the government then! Watch this space.

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