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Normal Topic Help Save the World’s First Operational Radar Station - Bawdsey (Read 1,882 times)
Nick Loveday
Full Member

Posts: 188
Location: Derbyshire
Help Save the World’s First Operational Radar Station - Bawdsey
11.02.2015 at 18:34:07
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Help Save the World’s First Operational Radar Station

The Transmitter Block at Bawdsey was part of the world’s first operational radar station. Radar played a vital role in the Battle of Britain and was the starting point for many inventions that have changed the world.

The Transmitter Block Project has received Heritage Lottery Funding to investigate the work which needs to be undertaken to save the Transmitter Block and to develop within it an exhibition and activities that will make it a heritage attraction that is vibrant, fun and worthy of its enormous significance.

The project will:
Conserve the Transmitter Block, an historic 2* building of international significance, which is currently on the English Heritage ‘at risk’ register
Provide a new thought provoking exhibition that will tell the story of radar
Increase opening times and make the Block a fantastic place to visit for the whole family
Provide modern facilities and car parking
Develop educational opportunities and activities for schools and community groups
Provide a fitting tribute to all those men and women who worked so hard for the safety and security of us all

An application is to be submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund for £1.4 million but Bawdsey Radar has to raise £300,000 of this amount as match funding. Please help us to do this by making a donation:

By Cheque, payable to Bawdsey Radar Trust, and sent to Bawdsey Radar, 1 Whitehouse Cottage, Gulpher Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk. IP11 9RJ.
Bank Transfer to HSBC Bank, Sort Code: 40‐21‐06 Account: 51533207, using 'BRA15 + your surname' as the reference.

Thank you
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