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Normal Topic John F Malloy (Read 11,871 times)
Alan Shield
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John F Malloy
15.11.2011 at 15:35:02
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Can anyone remember Flt Lt John F Malloy?
I had the pleasure of serving with this Officer at 303SU Khormaksar in 1967 and also RAF Buchan from where I believe he finally retired.
My question, does anyone know if John flew as a pilot in his early career.
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Mike Good
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Re: John F Malloy
Reply #1 - 16.11.2011 at 20:53:38
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Yep, I can.   However, can't remember if it was during my first sentence at Buchan in '69 or my second in '72.  Nor can I positively remember if he wore wings - but I think he might well have done.
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Gordon Carle
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Re: John F Malloy
Reply #2 - 17.11.2011 at 00:52:13
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Sorry can't remember about wings. John was posted to Saxa Vord in '61 and became the  Sen Ops Off. His wife was a qualified GP and did locums for the local GP. The locums occurred at intervals after his tourex - allowing John to return to Unst frequently for the trout fishing. John was my neighbour at Buchan in '69 and must have left soon after that. On retirement he became Adj at the Aberdeen Univ Air Sqn (Dyce) and continued his association with the Mess at Buchan. He was a very forthright character who had lots of time for his subordinates and associates, perhaps not so much respect for his seniors. I had a lot of respect for him. He & his wife had a house between Ellon & Aberdeen on the A90 (which they were allowed to share by their alsatian!)
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Richard Jenner
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Re: John F Malloy
Reply #3 - 17.11.2011 at 07:41:44
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John was the training officer at Buchan when I arrived in '73 and retired at some point in my tour (which ended in '77). When going through a refresher (much needed after a year on Benbecula) I made the mistake of saying 'pigeons to base' (as we all know of course pigeons is always to base unless expanded) which resulted in a punch hard enough to knock me off my seat (I didn't see it was dark after all). It went very quiet so I decided it was best ignored and got back on with the job....and have not mentioned it before today. It was a hard lesson but clearly never forgotten (although soon forgiven).

John was an honorary member during my next tour at Buchan and sadly passed away around '94 'or '95.

I'm not sure about the wings but I thought he was a navigator originally??

Richard (Jenner)
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Alan Shield
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Re: John F Malloy
Reply #4 - 17.11.2011 at 14:39:34
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Thanks everyone for the pieces of info.
I was john's driver whilst in Aden as part of my duties and he was certainly a very large character on the Unit.
He was billited with another name you may all remember, Flt lt Bill Wing. Nicknamed the 'Odd couple' they would always appear bickering over some point or another. Roll Eyes
John was very keen on me gaining flying experience as we had numerous Sqdrns based at Khormaksa during the 60's and through his contacts I had many an interesting trip all over the South Arabian Peninsula.
One of which springs to mind which occured just after the Arab/Israeli 6 day war had ended.
Suez had been blocked and the Brits needed Aviation fuel so the immediate answer was to fly a variety of aircraft across to Djoubuti where the french had a foreign Legion Base and from where we could buy fuel and ship it back.
37 Sqdrn (shackletons) was deligated for such a run and I had the pleasure of joining the crew. flight transit time 4hrs.
Flying at about 1500' the side port holes were left open after take off to allow for the air conditioning.
I have some photo's of this flight which I will attempt to share with you all

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Jan Cobb
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Re: John F Malloy
Reply #5 - 17.11.2011 at 14:57:18
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Alan Shield wrote on 17.11.2011 at 14:39:34:
I have some photo's of this flight which I will attempt to share with you all

If you have the means to scan the photos, Alan, then you can upload them as attachments.
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Richard Jenner
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Re: John F Malloy & now Bill Wing
Reply #6 - 17.11.2011 at 16:55:09
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Yes, I can imagine John & Bill 'bickering'. Bill also retired at Buchan and remained an honorary member of the mess and was still around when I left there for the last time in 1998. Bill was one of those select personnel who had served on 'boats' (Sunderlands). I did quite a few shifts with him in the '70s when he was an Evaluation Officer (a now defunct post - in fact I 'terminated' the Link 3 while at SHAPE after Buchan). He would spend hours whispering down the phone to his counterpart in North Norway.....presumably it was OK for the Russians to intercept the conversation but not his colleagues!

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Mike Gallafent
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Re: John F Malloy
Reply #7 - 03.02.2012 at 23:39:23
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John was with me at Patrington. He had recently finished training at Hope Cove. Checking my log book I have him doing P.I.s with Meteor NF 14s February 3rd 1959. I seem to recollect that he was an ex-navigator.

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Martin O'Carroll
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Re: John F Malloy
Reply #8 - 06.08.2013 at 06:33:22
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I remember John very well as the Training Officer at Buchan when I arrived there in 1973. Very much a larger than life character and did not need to use a radio to communicate with aircraft as he was somewhat loud! He had a habit of walking into the Ops Room with his latest brood of trainees, shoving a hand down the front of his trousers while staring at the tote then marching up to the CC and telling him "We will take that, that and that" and then marching out with his brood hot on his heels.

That brood included myself, Dave Taylor and Jem Bateman and in the Training Section along with John were Tony Pleasant and Bob Williams.

John was a man of strong character who drove us all to excell and he also had a heart of gold. In addition to loving fishing he was also an excellent squash player as I quickly found out to my cost.

I do not recall any wings being worn on his uniform but it is a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away........

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Tony Pleasant
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Re: John F Malloy
Reply #9 - 16.08.2013 at 06:42:10
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I was trained by John and Charlie Melvin at Buchan in 1970 along with Mick Causton.  John oft mixed up our callsigns and I do recall one occasion when I received  a loud complaint for not being on console when Mick should have been there.  This bollicking was issued with John at one end of the upper corridor and me at the other.  However, the next sortie I controlled was with Charlie and John wandered over and asked if I was interested in gardening.  Having replied "yes" I was given the complete lay out of his allotment.  Great when trying to psyche oneself up for your first live sortie.  Sadly I cannot recall the wings situation but the man was far bigger than that.
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