Hi All
Some of you may or may not know that Elenore has been suffering from Ovarian Cancer for two or more years. Currently, she is in the middle of her fifth session of chemotherapy. Typical of her, she is still well and truly 'on the go' and thinking and working for others. Our two daughters, Hannah and Emma, have been doing the Manchester run for a few years for charity but have decided to do something different this year rather than ask for the usual donations.
The following is a copy of an e-mail they have sent to their friends. I think it is self-explanatory:
Painful Pelvis, Bloated Belly, Stuffed Stomach...? It could be a symptom...
Some of you will know that my sister and I are running the Manchester 10k next week.
not asking for sponsorship ...
we do not want your money... ...but we
WOULD like you to help us to raise awareness of the symptoms of
Ovarian Cancer.
Our mother is currently doing battle with this cancer. It is a disease with good survival rates if it is caught early. Sadly though, most women are diagnosed too late, because the symptoms are vague ... because, after all, doesn’t everyone get a bit bloated now and then?
Knowing the symptoms can mean the difference between surviving or not... It would make a huge difference to us if you could support us by:
learning these 3 symptoms yourself:
1 Bloated Belly – permanent, not bloating that comes and goes
2 Stuffed Stomach - feeling full, difficulty eating
3 Painful Pelvis – a persistent pain, that is there most days
and send this message to 3 friends who you care about
We are hoping that if every one of our friends sends this message to 3 of their friends (more if you like) and each of them sends it to 3 of their friends, that this message might reach someone in time to make a difference.
And for all you blokes out there with big bellies ...please don’t worry you won’t have ovarian cancer...
If you see us running on the 16
th, please give us a cheer and shout ‘Beat Cancer’... your support will keep us going...
Many thanks
Hannah and Emma LowryFor more information please see the
NHS Choices WebsiteOur health professional friends might like to look at:
From our own experience, Elenore and I would like to add the following:
Ovarian Cancer is known as the ‘Silent Killer’ because the symptoms are so easy to pass-off as something else. Many GPs and Consultants fail to make the correct diagnosis early as they lose much valuable time chasing other perfectly reasonable possibilities before coming to the correct conclusion. Early diagnosis, or elimination, is vital for increasing the chances of survival and can be achieved through early tests and a scan. If you have any doubts, make yourself a bl---y nuisance to the medics. After all, it is their job to assist you. You are the customer and pay their wages. Notwithstanding my comments and Elenore’s rather late diagnosis, we have had excellent care and attention from many in the medical world.
Please do not think you should only pass this information on to female friends etc. We blokes have wives, sisters, mothers, girlfriends, partners etc. Often it is the person at a slight distance who can see the ‘wood for the trees’. Similarly, it is not only the older female who is at risk. An acquaintance of Elenore’s contracted the disease as a young university student. Fortunately, an early diagnosis was achieved and she now works for a cancer charity.
If we can save one life through passing on this little 'bit' of knowledge, it will have been very, very worthwhile. The target is in contacting at least 5,000 people.
My thanks for your patience and attention and, hopefully, your help in passing on this important information.
Dave Lowry
P.S. For those of you who have kindly enquired at FCA events after my two 'little girls'. Hannah and Emma have grown a bit since you saw them last !! We are both immensely proud of them.