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Normal Topic Request for Information/Pictures - Saxa Vord (Read 2,833 times)
Gordon Carle

Request for Information/Pictures - Saxa Vord
30.03.2010 at 19:38:30
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As some of you are aware I have been publishing material on the history of Saxa on a blogsite -

I have been lucky enough to receive significant help from a number of people and have amassed a large archive - which will keep me busy for a long time.

However, there are few pictures and little information for the early years. RAF & civilian personnel were erecting the Ops, Eng & Domestic sites from 1954 until the station opened in Oct 57. I am short of information on people, equipment & events in the years 54-66 and would appreciate it if anyone would be able to help fill in the gaps.

In particular I am looking for pictures of 3 of the early COs – Sqn Ldrs GM Millar, J Tocher & AG Harris.  It is probable that they were engineers but there were FCs and ADOs on the camp during their “reigns”. Pictures of the other 27 COs are on the blog but some of them are poor so the offer of better photos of them (as they were at the time) would be very acceptable.

Obviously any interesting data about Saxa from any period would be welcomed – what is sad for me is that there seems to be far more material about the Fire, Catering, Admin, Eng, Officers’ Mess Social and Civilian history than for the Ops site.

Most of the sections already published are in need of updating in light of new information and the pictures people have sent me subsequently - they will be updated when time is available (it is the trout season after all). Should anyone else be tempted to embark on a similar project for any other Fighter Control Unit I would be happy to pass on information & photos I have (Buchan & Bukit Gombak in particular).

An email contact is on the blogsite.
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