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Locked Topic Petition to save Bentley Priory (Read 18,938 times)
Sue Gillott
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Posts: 12
Petition to save Bentley Priory
23.04.2009 at 15:33:37
The petition to Downing Street to save the ground floor of Bentley Priory from the property development has just come to my attention.  The deadline is the 25th April and I wondered if anyone else would like to sign up at

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Aileen Ronaldson
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #1 - 24.04.2009 at 00:16:45
Hi Sue,
do you have a link to something that actually explains what part of BP this is to save and what it actually means.  I'm assuming that some form of building development crowd have bought the land and want to redevelop it.  From a personal point of view, although I love the site and the associated history, I see no reason to save just the 'first floor' of the building - it has go to be all, or sadly, nothing. Aileen
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Sue Gillott
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #2 - 24.04.2009 at 08:01:32
Hi Aileen
The text on the petition asks to keep the ground floor as a historical site, to preserve the Battle of Britain HQ.  I know no more, maybe the petition is merely an expression of disappointment, or maybe there is an organisation putting together some plan.  I was aware the site had been sold to property developers and the Priory is destined to become flats?  No doubt its a done deal, too late to change now.  Sue
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Richard Jenner
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #3 - 24.04.2009 at 09:10:08
BP was in the news last month - see this link:

If the news story is accurate museum matters are on-hold rather than cancelled. However, how much do you trust a property developer's promises? The petition is calling for legislation to protect the historic part of the building...the full text is:

During the Battle of Britain,Bentley Priory,in Stanmore,Middlesex, was Hugh Dowdings and 11 Groups Headquarters. It is the spirtual home of Fighter Command and the remaining survivors of 'The Few' The Ministry of Defence has sold the Priory to developers, they are to convert the Priory into high value appartments and build many more in the grounds. At the very least,legislation is needed to save the whole of the ground floor from the developers,so it can become a lasting memorial to the men and women who saved this country and the world,from Nazi tyranny.

Personally, I think the petition could have been better framed. With one day to go there are only 520 responses which is hardly likely to grab No 10's attention. On the otherhand, I'd hate to feel the site was lost for the want of a few 'clicks' of a mouse so I'm signing-up anyway.

Richard Jenner
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Dave Lowry
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #4 - 24.04.2009 at 10:20:54
I think it is vital to preserve Bentley P and, in particular, the Dowding Office and his possessions. For those who understand history (MOD and Developers ????) Bentley has played a similar role in our history to Nelson's Victory. Had his fleet been defeated Napoleon would possibly have invaded. There would be a revolution if Vicky Ship was handed to developers.

A thought off the top of my head, would it be practical to move AD Museum to Bentley (Lottery Money ??). Perhaps a topic for AOB at the AGM tomorrow.
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Ian Price
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #5 - 24.04.2009 at 16:09:12
Well, I signed up.  I agree with Richard that the response has been pretty poor and the wording of the petition is not so good, but it's got to be worth a go.  (I also forwarded the link to any non-FCA members I know in the RAF or ex-RAF.)

It would be a shame to lose the old place - I wonder what my old suite will become?  Mind you, if you could afford one of the south-facing apartments, the views will be spectacular (as they always were.)
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Bob Daisley
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #6 - 25.04.2009 at 08:42:30
Pricey - do we really want to save your old suite for posterity?  Perhaps the rest of BP could be saved but a small warning could be placed on the door of your former lair?
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Phil Buttery
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #7 - 25.04.2009 at 22:17:15
Just before I left the RAF (2006) I was working in the MOD and had some dealings with this. The fate of Bently Priory was sealed by the Lyons Review, which reduced the MOD estate in London, abetted, in my view, through the promotion of self interest by serving officers, none of whom were air defenders.  Unlike the Army, which when faced with the loss of historic buildings in central London sucessfully fought to retain them, when a champion was needed to preserve BP, none stood up to the plate. All rather disappointing.
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Mike Good
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #8 - 26.04.2009 at 19:58:00
The suggestion had arisen before.  I recall that when it came up during Sir John Allison's time as AOC he replied simply that he would give up Bentley Priory when the Army gave up Horseguards and the Navy gave up the Admiralty.  The suggestion went away again.
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Jan Cobb
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #9 - 27.04.2009 at 16:28:51
Mike Good wrote on 26.04.2009 at 19:58:00:
I recall that when it came up during Sir John Allison's time as AOC he replied simply that he would give up Bentley Priory when the Army gave up Horseguards and the Navy gave up the Admiralty.The suggestion went away again

Unfortunately, Mike, there was no-one with any clout left to defend the Priory when it came to the crunch  Sad

I think that Horseguards probably has some future left to it!
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Ian Fish
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #10 - 29.04.2009 at 09:14:32
Jan Cobb wrote on 27.04.2009 at 16:28:51:
Mike Good wrote on 26.04.2009 at 19:58:00:
I recall that when it came up during Sir John Allison's time as AOC he replied simply that he would give up Bentley Priory when the Army gave up Horseguards and the Navy gave up the Admiralty.The suggestion went away again

Unfortunately, Mike, there was no-one with any clout left to defend the Priory when it came to the crunch  Sad

I think that Horseguards probably has some future left to it!

If only for beach volleyball!
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Jan Cobb
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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #11 - 01.07.2009 at 15:15:09
The latest response from is:

Thank you for your e-petition.

RAF Bentley Priory played a significant part in British history as the Headquarters of RAF Fighter command during the Battle of Britain in 1940. The main building is Grade II* listed and the surrounding Italian gardens are registered as an historic park and garden. While RAF use of the site came to an end on 30 May 2008, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) remains committed to preserving the heritage associated with the site in a sustainable long term manner.  

The sale of this and other sites helps to fund the redevelopment and expansion of RAF Northolt, which will house units from all three Services and improve quality of life of our Service personnel in the Greater London area.

One of the key objectives of VSM Estates (the MOD contractor involved) was to identify a way forward that preserves the heritage elements of Bentley Priory in the long term. VSM Estates has engaged closely with all interested parties including Harrow Council, the Prince’s Regeneration Trust and the Battle of Britain Bentley Priory Trust, to seek a comprehensive solution for the long term future use and development of the site which takes full account of its heritage.

The intention is to dispose of Bentley Priory with the benefit of a full planning consent. Harrow Council has granted conditional approval to a scheme that provides for 103 new homes on the site, and more significantly for public access to the historic parts of Bentley Priory. An educational/visitors’ facility will be developed on the ground and lower ground floors including the office used by Lord Dowding when Commander in Chief Fighter Command. The Italian Gardens will also be restored.

Regrettably, the current economic downturn has impacted on these plans and the site had to be withdrawn from sale. VSM Estates plan to remarket the site in 2010 when the market condition will hopefully have improved.

That'll be after the election, then?!

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Re: Petition to save Bentley Priory
Reply #12 - 24.05.2011 at 19:27:13
This priory is my summer activity and people are wanting to knock it down, when I am lonely and upset this priory is the place i go all the time. Me and my friends come to this priory every summer to ride out bikes. If they are going to do anything with it make it a priory that people will not forget and also add more interesting things to it, but they want to turn it into a museum what the hell do they think they are doing and who do they think they are!!!!!
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